Organizations with high employee
counts, multiple office locations across a country, or throughout the
world require a secure and centralized location to store presentation
content. CloudVOTE Content Management Solution provides
worldwide access to content coupled with the security international
companies demand. Easy, convenient, and fast, content can be
accessed quickly and viewed immediately through a browser or
downloaded locally for offline use. Cloud-based solutions are quickly
becoming the alternative to Virtual Private Networks because they
require less IT management and control, saving organizations time,
money, and aggravation.
Control, Manage, and
Distribute Content
Content stored in the cloud is
easily controlled. Content Management Solutions allow
organizations to upload content to the cloud. Once training
curriculum and presentations are online, company administrators can
edit the content, manage its distribution, and assign it to
locations, teams, or individuals. Access to the content is only
granted by content administrators, so individual users are limited to
the content they are assigned and nothing more. To access curriculum,
users login to the content management cloud with their laptops,
tablets and phones. The content assigned to the user is immediately
available of online or offline use.
Protect Content from
Unauthorized Changes and Edits
Management teams, graphic artists,
and training experts work hard to perfect the company messaging. It
is vital that finalized presentation content remains unchanged and
intact. All employees must stay “On-Message” or “On-Brand”
and changes from one employee to the next, or one location to the
next threaten to weaken an organizations brand. Content Management
Solutions allow organizations to lock presentations down in a
format that does not allow for changes by individual users. With a
secure content management platform, companies can trust that their
presentations remain pure to ensure compliance with legal reviews and
government regulations.
Report on Use
Perfecting training, messaging, and
presentation content is the goal of most management teams. It is
often difficult to understand which questions and slides are
effective and which ones are not. Content Management Solutions provide insight on user metrics such as how many times content has
been viewed or downloaded. Presentations stored in the cloud provide
additional data such as how long a user stays on an individual slide
and what is the average presentation time from start to finish.
Content Administrators also have a record of which employees are
using the content and which ones have not. Due dates and completion
times can be assigned to content to ensure it is consumed within a
given date, week, or month.
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